Thursday, February 7, 2008

Still waiting...

As I sit here, just hours before my wife's big wisdom tooth extraction, I have to scratch my head about a recent event-

The Senate just passed a bill to send every American $600 and add $1.4 billion to the national debt. This took just how long from start to sign-on-the-dotted line you ask: a mere 2 weeks. Meanwhile, on a continent far away, a poor visa application is still being poked, prodded, and given multiple sobriety tests.

Approximately 412 days and 9 hours after this dream was set in motion- we sit on the edges of our seats in great anticipation wondering what complication could possibly pop up next. Perhaps, our case officer just delivered triplets.....or maybe that C- I got in 7th grade art is coming back to bite me in the ass! I knew I should never have tackled that Picasso for my final project. We have successfully completed 21 interim steps- funny because the application could lead one to believe that only 5 steps exist.

Word on the street is that a decision will be handed down within the next 4-7 days. A drop in the bucket compared to the wait we have endured. No matter what the cause for the delays, what a joyous day it will be when we are invited into the great country of Oz! So we sit here, positive, hopeful and .....still waiting!